Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Blog Journal #3

     Copyright is the way we protect our own work from being copied without credit.  Without this it would be difficult or impossible to create something of our own that we would actually receive credit for. Copyright allows our own work to be used only by us and those we authorize for it to be used by. Fair use is when things can be used without direct permission from the original creator, but this is determined on a case by case basis. I will deal with these concepts by creating my own work when possible and if i need to borrow from another teacher, I know that there are websites teachers use to post their worksheets and assignments for public use. I will keep in mind that if an assignment does not explicitly say it is for public use, I will need to be sure I am not be violating copyright by using it.

    One technology implementation issue listed is academic dishonesty. We have come a long way as far as technology goes and this includes new ways to spot academic dishonesty. As a teacher I would make sure my students are well aware of the systems in place, so they know they won't be able to get away with it or they will be risking their grade. I would implement these systems as many teachers have so far by having the students work go through the plagiarism software before it comes to me for grading. I will also make sure my students know I am always available to help them with assignments and they should always come to me before it gets to that point. Another issue I will deal with is decreased productivity since students are on laptops at some points during the day and may get off task. I would walk around and monitor screens when the laptops are in use.  I will also make sure that even if it is an individual assignment I am still being engaged with the students and checking in on them to keep them on task and make sure they aren't getting distracted.

    As I worked on the newsletter design assignment, I learned a lot about the tools I could use to make a paper much more interesting and visually appealing. Before completing this assignment I probably wouldn't have thought to use Canva in that way. I would have used one program or another, Canva or Word and done the newsletter entirely on that program. This assignment taught me how to use multiple programs cohesively with one end goal in mind. In the future to improve my newsletter i could make better use of the WordArt feature.  I did use it in my newsletter but only once so it didn't really match anything else. The things I learned can definitely be used as a teacher in the classroom not only for creating and sending home newsletters but also creating any worksheet or assignment at all.


  1. Hi Sarah! I thought this was a great blog and I love your newsletter. You are so creative and it looks really good! I think this is a template you can definitely use for your future class. I also liked your blog and thought it was very informative. Great post!

  2. Hello Sarah, I really enjoyed reading your newsletter and was so impressed by the design elements you incorporated. I feel like it was very aesthetically pleasing as well as clear and concise. I am very impressed with the amount of work that this must have taken!


End of semester meme