Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Blog Journal #7

    I visited a few teachers pages to see what there profile would contain. A few of the pages I visited contained a very minimal amount of information, sometimes just an email. However, other teachers took it a bit further and included more information for people to get to know them and also inform both students and parents of what should be completed by that point in time. A few things teachers included were the grading policy they implemented in the classroom, some teachers also had a class calendar that listed what meetings were posted for which days. This would give students and parents an idea of when the teacher may be available. https://www.leonschools.net/Page/22071
    I envision myself using various programs in the classroom in order to run an efficient class. I would use Canva to create a newsletter as we did in a previous assignment. I would also use YouTube read alouds with animated speakers to keep the students engaged. Another program I could use is AR for students to read books and test on them so I can see what level they are at.
    The group project that we have just completed was my first time using wiki. I didn't really like the way wiki was set up. It felt disorganized and a bit hard to read. I did like how the links brought you straight to the page you were intended to be on. That said it wasn't my favorite program and I don't think I would use it much in the classroom. I would like to teach at an elementary school so if I used it, it would be for parents use. I would have one page for assignments and due dates, one page for future projects, one page for parent conferences, a page for monthly newsletters, and a page for reading suggestions. This way parents could go to wiki when they have any questions and see if they can find the information they are looking for.

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